With claims being the new battlefield for insurers, we have the ultimate game changer.


We have had great success in South Africa with the launch of Claim Central Africa into the geyser and motor claims markets.
Our Livegenic product allows desktop assessors to visually inspect the claims severity as well as proactively manage further potential loss and damage all via the consumers mobile device without the need for an app download.

Geysers are only replaced once the warranty status and faults have been captured and assessed via live video footage from the scene.

All the data is recorded and stored with the date and time stamp as well as critical geolocation information.

The data is stored for a minimum of seven years or downloaded to the policy admin system if needed. Claim Central Africa is a services and technology business meaning we can take control of the entire claim and deploy our technology into the claims departments to work


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Changing the claims process to one of ease, accuracy and complete transparency.
App-less live streaming for your customers

Portal for the insurer and brokers. Where all videos, photos and reports are saved and stored
Enterprise application for our suppliers

Our smart-geyser-controlled device will eliminate or minimize the risk for damages caused by a burst geyser by detecting water in the drip tray and immediately notifying the client or emergency response team.

Our device provides your client with the control to save money by enabling remote access to your client’s geyser via their smartphone with:
Remote heating scheduling
Temperature control
Water volume flow
Electrical energy supplied to your hot water heater
Peak demand management from our app or self-service portal
Our digital emergency, monitoring and claims solutions are available 24 hours a day for your clients, under your brand. Partner with us and together, we’ll transform your claim experience and processes.
Your client will not only be more
efficient and save electricity, but
also protect themself from
costly disasters like a burst geyser.

~Wimpie van der Merwe